
Monday, February 27, 2012

“What’s In You Will Come Out Of You.”

luke-6_45Today’s Word
A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. ~ Luke 6:45 (NIV)
What is really inside of us will come spilling out  of us when life puts the squeeze on us.  Crisis will usually reveal what is really in our hearts.  It is easy to do and say the right things when life is calm and everything is going right, but what we say and do when chaos hits and the pressure is on tends to paint a more accurate picture of who we really are.  It is kind of like a sponge. 

Suppose you have five sponges lying on your kitchen counter.  Each member of your family has been cleaning different areas of your home, but the sponges all look the same.  You are curious about what was cleaned but you can’t tell just by looking at the sponges since they all look the same.  So what do you do? 

You squeeze each sponge to see what happens.  As you squeeze the first sponge, brown cola comes pouring out.  Someone must have cleaned the kitchen with that sponge.  Upon squeezing the second sponge, you see blue tub and tile cleaner oozing out of the sponge which leads you to believe someone used that particular sponge to clean the bathroom.  In the third sponge, you find cooking oil and conclude that someone spilled some oil and cleaned it with the sponge.  The fourth sponge produces a puff of baby powder when it is squeezed.  The baby’s nursery was obviously cleaned with that sponge.  Finally, the last sponge is dripping with floor wax which tells you someone used that particular sponge to clean the floor.  As you lay the last sponge down, you look again at their similarity.  They all look the same — until they are squeezed.

We are a lot like sponges when it comes to our Faith in God.  We look and act as if God is Lord of our lives.  We say all the right things to all the right people and do right things in order to prove we are right.  But what is really inside?  What do our hearts really look like? 

When a crisis comes and the pressures of life squeeze us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually, what comes out?  Do we respond to that difficult person in anger or with patience and love?  Does revenge spill out in ugly words to that person who has hurt us more times than we can count or do we take a breath and remember that God loves them and that hurt people tend to hurt other people?  Does the pain of unresolved sin flood our hearts and minds as guilt spills out of our heart with a vengeance?James 1_12_21
Just like the sponge, we can only squeeze out what is put in.  Fill your heart with the things of God.  Stay in the Word each day. Spend time with faith builders who will encourage you in your faith.  Seek God and His plan for your life.  Pray about everything so that when life puts the squeeze on you the very nature of God will come pouring out.
Today’s Prayer

Father, I pray to You today in the name of—*YeHoWsHua HaMashiach – Jesus the Christ.  Father, I want my faith to be more than just talk.  I want my religion to be more than just window-dressing.  I want to be real and authentic.  I want to be a genuine, baptized in Jesus’ name, Holy Spirit filled, tongue talking, obedient  child of God.  Please forgive me when I played religious games and pretended to be someone I was not.  I confess that I am a sinner.  I want to be saved.  I repent of my old sinful nature and take hold of Your grace in Christ Jesus through baptism in His name.  Anoint me O Lord.  Empower me to walk in Your grace so that when hard times press heavy upon me only Your Word will come pouring out of me.  This is my prayer today in the name of the LORD YeHoWsHua* (Jesus) the Christ, Amen.
The Hebrew spelling of the name of Christ is used in this prayer for educational purposes. Yehowshua is often shorten to Yeshua but out of respect for my Lord I chose to use the spelling of His proper name to demonstrate that His name s above every name and that even the spelling of His name is relative to the spelling of The Father’s name – remembering that there were not any vowels in the Hebrew alphabets. Thus, YHWH (Yahweh) and YeHoWsHua (Yahweh is salvation) are grammatically and uniquely related.
For more information of the authentic name of God, please follow the link below:

Bishop O.W. Prince and The O.W. Prince Ministries authorizes that this work along with all works posted on this blog and related blogs may be copied, redistributed and retransmitted in part or in whole for non-commercial purposes only and without change or alteration to its contents or materials  with the stipulation that the author and source be clearly acknowledged.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

What is the Church?

By: Darius Wise (Guest of the O.W. Prince Ministries)

Originally Published: April 12, 2011
Traditionally we’ve used the word “Church” in a number of ways. For instance, we say “I went to church today…” or “We had church today.” Many of us grew up saying those very things. We’d use the word “church” to define either a physical building or any religious gathering. We still use the word in that way today.

However, using the word “church” in such a secular manner only dilutes its true meaning. The Church is not a building, nor is the Church a religious gathering. The Church is The Called Out. Ones (Ekklesia) – “a called out people.”

Think about it, do you think that God would have given His only Son simply to be identified with a building, a song, a religious gathering or a program? Certainly not!! “For God so loved the world that HE gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in HIM shall not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). The Church is One – One Lord, One Faith and One Baptism. In Acts 2:38-42, the apostles of Christ demonstrated how we are to enter into Christ’s Church and become apart of the Kingdom Of God. If you confess Jesus as the Son of God, repent of sin and are baptized by submersion into water in the name of Jesus Christ, according to holy Scripture, then you are added to the body of Christ – The Church. 

John 4:24 teaches us that “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in Truth.” Therefore the “Church” is Spirit and Truth – not brick, mortar, clay, or wood. And in whomever God’s Holy Spirit resides, they are the Church. 

Romans 12:5 declares that we “The Church” are one body in Christ—many members, yet one body.
 Please see “The Way of Salvation” to discover how to become the CHURCH.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Word & Prayer Apostolic

Word & Prayer Apostolic The Prelude 202012
Today’s Word
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. ~ John 10:10 ( NIV)

For decades, I have heard the cries of hearts whose desire it is to have an intimate, exuberant relationship with God through Christ but don’t know how to go about it.  Perhaps you can relate to this. 

Many believers feel that there is something lacking in their Christianity.  They have become painfully aware that their religion is a montage of mundane theologically contrived demands aimed at pleasing secular expectations, providing only temporary emotional relief, intellectual stimulation and motivational entertainment.  

Some have awaken to the reality that the celebrity preachers and superstar teachers have lied to them about what is required for salvation—selling them on some counterfeit Christianity that give them the appearance of godliness but denies them entrance into the kingdom of God.  They are left empty and spiritually starved to eternal damnation.

Many believers have become aware of this fact and yearn to experience God’s True Presence and Power.

Am I speaking about you?  If so, you are not alone. 

Many have come to realize that joining a church, belonging to a denomination, serving on church boards, committees, auxiliaries and receiving ecclesiastical accolades only leaves them, at the end of the day, with hunger pains of the heart and soul that can only be satisfied with a genuine filling of God’s Holy presence.    
We long for a sense of closeness with God, but we have a hard time putting our finger on exactly what that closeness would look like.  So we go to Bible studies, attend church, say our prayers, and read our devotions. And yet, we constantly feel that we are somehow missing something.  

We have an unanswered question of “What is missing and what shall I do to get it?”  

I want to strongly suggest we seek the answer to our query not in church or denomination, not in theology or seminary education but in the Word of God!

As I pray for you today, I ask that you consider carefully The Word of God contained in the Following Videos. 

Today’s Prayer (May we pray?)
Father God, it is in the name of —*YeHoWsHua HaMashiach – Jesus the Christ I pray to You today.  Please forgive our sins as we earnestly seek Your answer to our emptiness.  Help us to surrender to Your Word of Truth, Salvation, Power and Demonstration.  Help us to see You;  To Hear You; To Obey You and to be led and fed by You. Fill us with Your Holy Presence and satisfy our hunger and thirst for Your Righteousness. This is our prayer today in the name of the LORD YeHoWsHua* (Jesus) the Christ, Amen.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

God’s Grace Defined Lesson #1

Grace bright lights
Lately it seems that the term “grace” is being used by religious folks to refer to everything but the kitchen sink. 

One of the ways it is being defined by some Christians is that grace is the opposite of the Law.  However, contrary to popular opinion, grace is not the opposite of the Law or commandments of God.  The opposite of the law is indecency or lawlessness.  But Grace is favor over the Law.  It is the favor that comes from being God’s child, and not from justifying our actions or behavior legally or otherwise.  If you sin against God and repent – demonstrating your desire for forgiveness and mercy – earnestly desiring to be in a right relationship with the Father – His favor or His grace accepts your apology even when the Law demands your punishment. 

Grace logoAnother way of understanding this is to say that we are always “under the law” of God but we are not always subject to the demands and penalties of the Law although we may be found guilty of a violation of the law.  I know that this seems to contradict the Word found in Romans 6:14 that says, “For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.”  But if you were to look at this scripture in the light of Jesus’ teachings you would realize that Romans 6:14 doesn’t mean that God has done away with His Eternal Ten Commandments.  To the contrary, we all are subject to the eternal commandment of God and instructed by Jesus to keep all of God’s commandments. (Matthew 7:21-23, John 14:15, John 14:21, 1 John 2:4). Therefore, God’s Eternal Law abounds over us but where the law abounds grace much more abounds – admonishing us to obey God’s Commandments voluntarily and go and sin no more. (Romans 5:15, 20) 
For instance, if you were caught speeding – doing 55 miles per hours in a 35 miles per hour speed zone – you were guilty of a traffic violation but you repented and acknowledged responsibility for your offense – then the Law Enforcement Officer, instead of penalizing you as you deserve, issued you a warning ticket – he showed you mercy.  This act of kindness doesn’t justify your violation nor does it relax the law or license you to continue to speed.  It simply extended mercy toward you, allowing you another opportunity to comply with the law and obey the speed limit from here on out (John 8:10-11).  But if you practice speeding and continue to disregard the law, mercy will cease and punishment will be enforced.  However, grace accepts the penalty (punishment) for our transgressions and relieves us from the consequences of our lawlessness.  But this grace is not for everyone.

Now God may have mercy on whomever He will but His grace is reserved for His children.  

Many are under the impression that “Grace” is somehow extended to everyone regardless of their willful disobedience to God’s commandments.  Thus they believe that in order to be saved by grace all that they have to do is recite a prayer or repeat a confession of faith.  Others think that grace somehow excuses them from any obligation to observe and keep the Eternal Moral Commandments of God.  They believe that God will pardoned their willful disobedience and lawlessness on the merits of grace.  However, they are dangerously mistaken. 

Only those who obey God’s commandment to repent (die to sin) and are baptized into the death of Jesus Christ may consider themselves children of God and eligible to receive His grace. 

A good way to understand how Grace relates to one’s relationship with God is to think of God as a good parent and ourselves as children (Matthew 18:2-4).  Children have favor in the eyes of their parents.  If they obey their parents, they are rewarded.  If while obeying their parents they get into any trouble or break anything, the parents assume responsibility and pays any cost on behalf of their child.  The child doesn’t earn this grace, it is freely given by virtue of the child’s relationship to the parent.  However, a child of disobedience (a practitioner of sin) has no expectation of grace or favor from God.  God is not his parent.  His parent is Satan (John 8:44).

Grace GodsGraceLet me summarize.  Mercy is not getting what you deserve although you are guilty of breaking the law.  It is withheld punishment or postponed condemnation for God is NOT willing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).  Whereas Grace is receiving what you could not earn or deserve on your own.  It is unmerited favor and forgiveness.  Grace is reserved for those who have Repented, Kept God’s Commandments and Obeyed His will (Romans 6:1-4).  

“Mercy doesn’t save us.  It gives us time to repent.  God’s Grace Saves!“  (Ref. Matthew 7:21-23, Ephesians 2:8) Ephesians 2_8 graceAll Praise Honor and Glory belongs to God the Father through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

(Order Lesson #2 Today)

Bishop O.W. Prince and the O.W. Prince Ministries authorizes that this work along with all works posted on this blog and related blogs may be copied, redistributed and retransmitted in part or in whole for non-commercial purposes only and without change or alteration to its contents or materials  with the stipulation that the author and source be clearly acknowledged.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Transforming Tears intoLiving Water 2
Bishop O.W. Prince and The O.W. Prince Ministries authorizes that this work along with all works posted on this blog and related blogs may be copied, redistributed and retransmitted in part or in whole for non-commercial purposes only and without change or alteration to its contents or materials  with the stipulation that the author and source be clearly acknowledged.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Today's Word & Prayer for Today's Christian

Three Reasons To Pray
Today’s Word
I love the LORD, because He hears my voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore I shall call upon Him as long as I live. ~ Psalm 116:1-2
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2012 Bishop OWP Post TransThe psalmist says three things before saying he will call upon God as long as he lives.  All three things lead to his desire to pray.
First, he says, “I love the Lord.”  His prayer life is motivated by love.  Then he says “He hears my voice and my supplications.”  He prays because he knows that he is not just wishing out loud.  Nor is his prayer simply a religious activity.  No! God is there and He’s listening. Third, he says, “He has inclined His ear to me.”  God is paying attention.  He cares about the issues we bring to Him.
As you begin each new day speak to God from your heart. Let your prayers be the expression of your love for Him and not just your need for Him. Go through the day with the confidence and assurance that God is listening to you and that He is paying attention to the concerns and issues in your life.
Today’s Prayer
Father, I pray to You today in the name of—*YeHoWsHua HaMashiach – Jesus the Christ.  I pray to You out of love for You and Your Word.  When I think of Your love for me and all You’ve done for me, I become emotional.  My soul shouts “Hallelujah!”  I cannot help but Love You because You first loved me.  When I was bad, You were good to me and You are good to me all of the time.  You hear me when I pray.  And You save me out of all my troubles.  I am astonished that You would be mindful of a wretch like me.  Yet, You are inclined to be concerned with my concerns and attentive my issues. You are an awesome God, great in mercies, kindness and love. Thank You Dear Father for loving me the way that You do.  Help me to demonstrate Your love for me in my love toward others.  May I never cease to call upon Your name in prayer.  This is my prayer today in the name of the LORD YeHoWsHua* (Jesus) the Christ, Amen.

The Hebrew spelling of the name of Christ is used in this prayer for educational purposes. Yehowshua is often shorten to Yeshua but out of respect for my Lord I chose to use the spelling of His proper name to demonstrate that His name s above every name and that even the spelling of His name is relative to the spelling of The Father’s name – remembering that there were not any vowels in the Hebrew alphabets. Thus, YHWH (Yahweh) and YeHoWsHua (Yahweh is salvation) are grammatically and uniquely related.
For more information of the authentic name of God, please follow the link below:

Bishop O.W. Prince and The O.W. Prince Ministries authorizes that this work along with all works posted on this blog and related blogs may be copied, redistributed and retransmitted in part or in whole for non-commercial purposes only and without change or alteration to its contents or materials  with the stipulation that the author and source be clearly acknowledged.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"The Power of Patience"

wait slide-02
Today’s Word
Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains. You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near. James 5:7-8
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2012 Bishop OWP Post TransWe all know that patience isn’t easy, or fun.  But it is the pathway of the wise.  It usually involves a decision to do one of the hardest things for a Christians to do—nothing.  It requires us to be still and know that we are not God.

As I read this lesson in James I was reminded of the children of Israel who spent 40 years in the wilderness.  I grant you that 40 years in a desert is a long time to wait for anything, particularly a promised new home.  So they grumbled. They longed for the old ways, even though those ways meant bondage and slavery. 

Parenthetically speaking, we often want to return to the familiar, even if it means returning to abuse, especially if the future isn’t readily forthcoming.

The children of Israel were not any different.  They nagged their leadership to return to the slavery of Egypt.  They sought unproductive solutions and they always felt that they had to do something to take control of their own situation.  They had forgotten the miracles that the Lord had wrought in Egypt to facilitate their freedom.  They had forgotten their miraculous deliverance at the Red Sea.  They didn’t bother to meditate on the way God provided them food and water in the desert or the fact that their clothes never wore out.  Therefore, a grumbling, impatient generation was forced to wonder in the desert until death-never entering into the promise of God-while God raised up a new generation to receive His promise.
Patience is one of the fruits of the Spirit.  Patience prevents rash judgment and judgmentalism.  It secures a plan.  It is a non-action and yet a conscious exercise of free will.  Patience is trust and assurance in God and the expectation that faith will be rewarded.

Let us wait patiently for the Lord, remembering the miracles He has done to bring us thus far along the way.  Let us remember that He has begun a great work in us and that He will not leave us incomplete, no matter how long it takes. 

Wait and see. “You will know that I am the LORD; Those who hopefully wait for Me will not be put to shame (Isaiah 49:23).”

Today’s Prayer
Father, I pray to You today in the name of—*YeHoWsHua HaMashiach – Jesus the Christ.  I thank You for hearing my cry and coming to my rescue.  Please forgive my impatience and hurried attitude.  Help me to wait patiently on You O Lord.   Help me to trust in Your unfailing Love and Your tender mercies.  I know that You hear and answer prayers.  Hear and answer my prayer today O God.  Set my feet in sure places.   As I wait on You, renew my Strength and place a song of praise in my heart.  Help me to remember how You’ve brought me thus far by Faith.  Come quickly to my rescue and save me from my enemies.  Complete the great work in me that You’ve begun through Christ Jesus.  Don’t let my enemies triumph over me but incline thine ears to my cry and honor my patience.  Empower me to soar above the plots of the enemy; to run and not get weary; to walk and not faint.  This is my prayer today in the name of the LORD YeHoWsHua* (Jesus) the Christ, Amen.
The Hebrew spelling of the name of Christ is used in this prayer for educational purposes. Yehowshua is often shorten to Yeshua but out of respect for my Lord I chose to use the spelling of His proper name to demonstrate that His name s above every name and that even the spelling of His name is relative to the spelling of The Father’s name – remembering that there were not any vowels in the Hebrew alphabets. Thus, YHWH (Yahweh) and YeHoWsHua (Yahweh is salvation) are grammatically and uniquely related.
For more information of the authentic name of God, please follow the link below:

Bishop O.W. Prince and The O.W. Prince Ministries authorizes that this work along with all works posted on this blog and related blogs may be copied, redistributed and retransmitted in part or in whole for non-commercial purposes only and without change or alteration to its contents or materials  with the stipulation that the author and source be clearly acknowledged.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Today's Word & Prayer for Today's Christian

“Consider this: The Father has given us his love. He loves us so much that we are actually called God’s dear children. And that’s what we are.” ~ 1 John 3:1 (GW)
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2012 Bishop OWP Post TransHave you ever noticed that you are never a grown-up to the ones who birthed you? They completely disregard the gray hairs, crowfeet, and bulging waistlines of your adult life. No matter how many children call you “Dad” or “Mom,” to your parents you are still just a child yourself. 

They seem to think you have slipped into the closet to put on grown-up clothes and are really just playing a game. They must believe that somewhere beneath the receding hairline there is still a child, hiding in the shadows of adulthood. The worst part about it is (keep this quiet) I think they are right! 

And like our parents, the Lord looks beyond our façade and sees the trem­bling places in our lives. He knows our innermost needs. No matter how spiritually mature we try to appear, He is still aware that lurking in the shadows is an insecure little girls who needs her Father to tell her that he loves her and he is going to make everything alright. He is aware that beneath the façade of brawny masculinity is a little boy who needs his Father to reassure him of his manhood and tell him that he is the image and glory of his daddy. God is aware of the hidden issues of His “all grown-up” little children. 

Romans 838 the love of GodThe Father understands the hidden fears, insecurities, anxieties, hurts, anger and feeling of revenge that lurks in each of us from time to time. He is aware of the worst in us, yet still thinks the best of us.

He understands the child in us, and He speaks to our blanket-clutching, thumb­-sucking, infantile needs. In spite of our maturity, income, edu­cation, or notoriety, He still speaks to the childhood issues of our aging hearts. 

The Father’s Love Never Fails.

Today’s Prayer
Father, I pray to You today in the name of—*YeHoWsHua HaMashiach – Jesus the Christ.  I thank you for adopting me into Your family and for calling me Your child. I am grateful for the privilege to be called a child of God. And like a child I am still growing and learning. I need Your guidance and instruction to help me navigate this tedious life. I am unsure of my myself and I need Your reassurance. I have strayed from the path You’ve chosen for me and I need You to lead me back to the path of righteousness. I have even been rebellious at times and now I repent and I need You to forgive me O God. Have mercy on me. No one knows me like You do. Speak to the issues of my heart and heal all of my hurts and pains. Daddy, I need You and I need You now! Help me to become more and more like You—to look and sound like You and to walk in the knowledge and power of my birthright. This is my prayer today in the name of the LORD YeHoWsHua* (Jesus) the Christ, Amen.
The Hebrew spelling of the name of Christ is used in this prayer for educational purposes. Yehowshua is often shorten to Yeshua but out of respect for my Lord I chose to use the spelling of His proper name to demonstrate that His name s above every name and that even the spelling of His name is relative to the spelling of The Father’s name – remembering that there were not any vowels in the Hebrew alphabets. Thus, YHWH (Yahweh) and YeHoWsHua (Yahweh is salvation) are grammatically and uniquely related.
For more information of the authentic name of God, please follow the link below:
Bishop O.W. Prince and The O.W. Prince Ministries authorizes that this work along with all works posted on this blog and related blogs may be copied, redistributed and retransmitted in part or in whole for non-commercial purposes only and without change or alteration to its contents or materials  with the stipulation that the author and source be clearly acknowledged.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Sabbath Message for The Month of February 2012

Honoring God's Sabbath
~The Holy Day Of God~

Does God require Christians to keep the Sabbath?  Or has the Sabbath been abolished under the terms of the New Covenant?  Does it really matter which day you choose to keep holy?  Can you play golf on the Sabbath or go to the office for just a few hours without violating the Sabbath law?  If people observe the Sabbath, are they to be considered legalists?  Just how important is the Sabbath to God?

Whose Opinion Matters?
Muslims observe Friday, religious Jews observe Saturday, and most professing Christians observe Sunday.  Some people keep whatever day THEY choose as the Sabbath.  Is it acceptable in God’s eyes to take to oneself the authority to make a day, any day, holy?  Truth often flies out the door when overcome by human reasoning.  Truth is truth and the truth about the Sabbath may surprise you!  That truth is, Jesus Christ and the entire first century Church kept the seventh-day Sabbath…they did not keep Sunday…they kept the Saturday Sabbath!  In fact, Jesus Christ and his true Apostles never taught anyone to observe Sunday as the Sabbath of God!  The fact that early New Testament Christians were seventh-day Sabbath keepers is a biblical and historical fact, one not even disputed by the Roman Catholic Church — the largest Christian church in the World.

Still, people argue about Sabbath observance.  Is the New Testament Sabbath Saturday or Sunday?  Can you work on the Sabbath?  Can you play at sports and watch TV on the Sabbath?  Can you keep any day you choose “holy” so long as you observe one day in seven as a Sabbath?

The only source that can be considered authoritative enough to settle these questions is God’s Word in Holy Scripture.  This study will take a candid look at the word of God to see what God’s thinking is on the subject of His Sabbath.  God’s Word will tell us what God thinks about it, and we will keep our human reasoning in check as we seek to understand this vital subject.

So now, let’s take an unbiased look at what the scriptures say concerning the question of Sabbath

Jesus Kept the Sabbath
If you believe Jesus Christ is your savior, then all that really matters to you is what He believes about Sabbath keeping.  Human opinion on this matter will carry no weight whatsoever.  What will be foremost in your mind is the example Jesus Christ set, not the example of others; unless, of course, their example follows after Christ.

So now we come to the question, “What day did Christ keep as the Sabbath, and did He ever teach that the Sabbath was done away with?”  We can observe simply from His actions what day He sanctified for Sabbath keeping.  Luke, chapter 4, tells us the following:
“So He (Jesus) came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up.  And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath Day, and stood up to read.” (Luke 4:16)

The Bible clearly shows that Jesus’ custom was to observe the Sabbath, attending services in the synagogue.  He did this on the seventh day of the week…on Saturday…while in a synagogue, rising up to read a passage from the book of Isaiah.  It was a message about setting people at liberty from bondage and the consequences of sin.  If Jesus’ desire had been to do away with the Sabbath, this would have been an opportune time.  Let’s see if He told the people they no longer needed to keep the Sabbath:
“And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah.  And when He opened the book, He found the place where it was written: “The spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor, He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To preach deliverance to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed, To preach the acceptable year of the LORD.” (Luke 4:18-19)

After reading this passage, Jesus returned the book to the rabbi and sat down.  He did not mention anything about changing the Sabbath or annulling the Sabbath command.Sabbath Command
If Jesus Christ had determined to do away with the fourth commandment, an identifying sign of the Jewish people, it certainly could be found in scripture somewhere.  The plain truth is that you can search all the gospel accounts and NEVER find where Jesus said: “You don’t have to keep the Sabbath anymore;” or, “The Sabbath commandment will be nailed to the cross when I die;” or, “After my death you may change the Sabbath from the seventh day of the week to the first day of the week or to any day YOU choose.”  According to Exodus 31, the Sabbath is perpetual , unchanging and eternal.

Is Jesus Our Sabbath Rest?
Many self-proclaiming Christians believe Jesus Christ is somehow a replacement for the Sabbath, that He is our “Sabbath rest.”  But nowhere can you find a scripture that says, Jesus Christ replaced the Sabbath with anything…especially Himself.  Certainly Jesus had MANY opportunities to teach that the seventh-day Sabbath had been done away with.  Instead, Jesus emphatically stated that He was “Lord of the Sabbath” (Luke 6:5).  His statement confirms that the Sabbath was and still is in force.  A good question to ask yourself is, How could He be the Lord of the Sabbath, if He was doing away with the Sabbath?  Then He would be Lord of nothing.  The message of Luke 6:1-11 is that man was not made to serve the Sabbath but that the Sabbath was made to serve man.  Furthermore, Jesus emphasized the fact that it is always lawful to do good and preserve life on the Sabbath.  “It is never a wrong time to do the right thing.” (Bishop O.W. Prince) 

Did Jesus Change His Father’s Law?
In the book of Malachi God says, “For I am the Lord, I do not change” (Malachi 3:6).  Would God proclaim His commandments in Exodus the twentieth chapter only to do away with them later?  Is God fickle like a human?  Certainly not!  With God there is no double-mindedness, no “shadow of turning” (James 1:17).  God is a perfect example of consistency: His character does not change.  The Ten Commandments, including the Sabbath, are immutable!

Christ did not come to do away with His Father’s commandments!  He came to MAGNIFY the Law of His Father.  Christ taught the true intent of the Law.  He taught that we should keep the law physically and SPIRITUALLY.  This teaching applied to the Sabbath Day.  

Jesus said, “…as My Father taught Me, I speak these things” (John 8:28).  Jesus did not teach a different set of laws that opposed the teachings of His Father. 
When a rich young ruler came to Jesus, he asked: “Good teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?  So He said to him, … if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments” (Matthew19:16-17).  Jesus plainly stated that those who will be given eternal life must strive to keep the commandments of His Father, all of them.

Who is our Savior…Jesus or the Law?
None of the laws of God can save you.  Only Jesus Christ fulfills the role of savior.  Does that mean we are now free to break the law, including the Sabbath law?  God forbid!  Jesus said, “one jot or one tittle will BY NO MEANS pass from the law.” (Matthew 5:18)  

It is true that we are under grace if we have repented of our sins, been baptized (buried under water) in the name of Christ Jesus and received the Holy Spirit of God , but grace does not give us permission to break God’s eternal law.  Paul asserts that faith does not abolish the law: “Do we then make void the law through faith?  Certainly not!  On the contrary, we ESTABLISH the law.” (Romans 3:31

Some 50 years after Jesus Christ died, the Apostle John upheld the law of God as a standard of right conduct.  He said, “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments.  And His commandments are not burdensome” (I John 5:3).  God’s Commandments are only troublesome for the rebellious and unrepentant souls but for those of us who have been born-again, they are of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Word -N-Prayer February 10 2012 Podcast

“Living by the Spirit”fruit-of-the-spirit

Romans 8:9 tells us that we “are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in us. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ.” This scripture verse, which I’ve paraphrased, confirms the fact that the Holy Spirit is the identifying agent that lives in every born-again child of God. Without the Holy Spirit, one cannot truthfully say that they belong to the body of Christ.
Holy Spirit romans8-14Have you received the Holy Spirit? How is your relationship with the Holy Spirit? Have you spoken with Him? Are you listening for His voice? Can you recognize His voice over your own inner voice? Are you led throughout the day by His voice? Are you trying to live in a way that brings joy to the heart of the Holy Spirit, or is your life grieving Him?
How can you live the life of total commitment to God? Is is by trying harder? Is is by church attendance? Is is by self-discipline? Is it by doing good deeds? No! It is by the fruit of the Spirit! The fruit of the Spirit produces a life imitative of God’s nature.
When we have a healthy relationship with the Holy Spirit, “we will not carry out the desires of the flesh.” The realm of the Spirit is our dwelling place. Therefore, we are governed by the Spirit of God.
Hear what the Spirit is saying unto the Church.Holy_Spirit
Today’s Word
16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are contrary the one to the other; that ye may not do the things that ye would. 18 But if ye are led by the Spirit, ye are not under the law. 19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousies, wraths, factions, divisions, parties, 21 envyings, drunkenness, revellings, and such like; of which I forewarn you, even as I did forewarn you, that they who practise such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 meekness, self-control; against such there is no law. 24 And they that are of Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with the passions and the lusts thereof. 25 If we live by the Spirit, by the Spirit let us also walk. ~ Galatians 5:16-25
Today’s Prayer
Father, I pray to You today in the name of—*YeHoWsHua HaMashiach – Jesus the Christ. I confess that I have sinned against You and grieved Your Holy Spirit. Please forgive me. Teach me to be more aware of the instructions of Your Holy Spirit than I am of the desires of my flesh. Help me to crucify the passions and lusts of the flesh. Endow me with thy Holy Spirit and bring forth its fruits in due season. Help me to recognize Your voice and to be led by You Holy Spirit. This is my prayer today in the name of the LORD YeHoWsHua* (Jesus) the Christ, Amen.
The Hebrew spelling of the name of Christ is used in this prayer for educational purposes. Yehowshua is often shorten to Yeshua but out of respect for my Lord I chose to use the spelling of His proper name to demonstrate that His name s above every name and that even the spelling of His name is relative to the spelling of The Father’s name – remembering that there were not any vowels in the Hebrew alphabets. Thus, YHWH (Yahweh) and YeHoWsHua (Yahweh is salvation) are grammatically and uniquely related.
For more information of the authentic name of God, please follow the link below:

Bishop O.W. Prince and The O.W. Prince Ministries authorizes that this work along with all works posted on this blog and related blogs may be copied, redistributed and retransmitted in part or in whole for non-commercial purposes only and without change or alteration to its contents or materials with the stipulation that the author and source be clearly acknowledged.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Word -N-Prayer February 9 2012 Podcast

Please follow link to podcast.

Have you ever felt that this thing called life is just too hard? I know I have. Sometimes life just does not turn out like we thought it would. That’s when we have to hang onto God and simply trust Him.
I remember when my daughter was around four-years-old and I was trying to teach her how to dance a slow dance. The first attempts were humorous. She just wasn’t coordinated enough to imitate the dance moves yet. Finally, I came up with an idea. She would stand on top of my feet and wrap her arms around legs. We would moved as one. If I turned left, she went with me. If I turned right, she went with me. Her only responsibility was to hang on and relinquish control. And even though she thought she was dancing, in reality, I was the one doing all the work and she was simply along for the ride. Abide in me John 15_5
That is a great picture of what trusting God is all about. That’s a picture of what “abiding in Jesus” is all about. We cling to him, hang on to Him and abide in Him. If He goes left, we go left. If He goes right, we go right. David wrote in Psalm 63:8, “My soul clings to You.” In other words, David was saying, “I’m hanging on for my life.”
Today, as you move through life, cling to Jesus. Hang on to Him. Acknowledge His presence with you and His Spirit in you. Trust Him!
Today’s WordAbide in me _Psalm-63-8
Today’s Prayer
Father, I pray to You today in the name of—*YeHoWsHua HaMashiach – Jesus the Christ. I have come to realize that I cannot do anything on my own. I need You. I’m trusting You today. I’m clinging to You. I’m hanging on to Your every word. I surrender totally to You. Guide and direct my life O God. Help me never to let go of You and pray that You never let go of me. This is my prayer today in the name of the LORD YeHoWsHua* (Jesus) the Christ, Amen.

The Hebrew spelling of the name of Christ is used in this prayer for educational purposes. Yehowshua is often shorten to Yeshua but out of respect for my Lord I chose to use the spelling of His proper name to demonstrate that His name s above every name and that even the spelling of His name is relative to the spelling of The Father’s name – remembering that there were not any vowels in the Hebrew alphabets. Thus, YHWH (Yahweh) and YeHoWsHua (Yahweh is salvation) are grammatically and uniquely related.
For more information of the authentic name of God, please follow the link below:
Bishop O.W. Prince and The O.W. Prince Ministries authorizes that this work along with all works posted on this blog and related blogs may be copied, redistributed and retransmitted in part or in whole for non-commercial purposes only and without change or alteration to its contents or materials with the stipulation that the author and source be clearly acknowledged.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Word & Prayer ~ February 8, 2012

to-god-be-the-glory_1I have witnessed countless worship services over the course of 35 year of ministry and I have had occasion to just sit back and observe the behavior and attitudes of different churchgoers. Most are very respectful of the house of worship and demonstrate an attitude of solemnest and reverence toward the worship experience. However, in recent years I’ve noticed an increase in irreverence and a careless attitude toward the worship experience and the worship of God. There seems to be a sense of casual impertinence among some of our adults and teenagers. The culture of entitlement, immorality, grunge and licentiousness has found a comfortable seat in the church.
What makes me say this is the number of times I’ve noticed churchgoers texting on their cell phones, listening to their iPods, playing games on their phones or handheld devices or reading a novel during worship service. In addition to these offenses, I’ve noticed less and less attention is given to the kind of apparel one comes to worship in. Sagging pants, t-shirts, tight see-through and skimpy dresses, seductively high and revealing skirts and extra low-cut blouses appear to show up more and more in our churches. I am not one to judge a person by what kind of clothes they have on but I do wonder if this brazenly presumptuous behavior is representative of someone who loves and honors God (1 Timothy 2:9 & 1 Corinthians 6:19-20). I must ask the question, “Do these kind of behaviors show respect for GOD? Do They honor God?”1 Cor 10_31b  do it for the glory of god
When approaching a bank teller’s window, we are expected to end all cell phone conversations before we are served. When buying stamps at the window of the Post Office, we are expected to end all cell phone conversations before we are served. We paying a bill at the power company, we are expected to end all cell phone conversations before we are served. When watching a movie in the theatre, we are asked to silence our cell phones out of respect for others. When going to a job interview, we dress in our very best and we pay attention to what is appropriate and what isn’t. Our cell phones are off and our attention and focus is on what pleases the potential employer. We pay close attention to the appropriateness of our clothes and we try to avoid any semblance of disrespect toward a person of power and authority.
However, when it comes to worshipping God, many of us are indifferent, unconcerned, careless and negligent. It appears that we give more respect and honor to mortal men than we do to an all-powerful God. We have our priorities mixed up. Many of us seem to be insufficiently aware of our lowly state of being relative to the majestic Power and Glory of God. We act as if God is just any old person.
We need to be reminded of our true condition and of God’s rightful reverence so that we might give appropriate response and respect to God.
In the year that king Uzziah died, Isaiah saw “the Lord” sitting upon a throne. Heavenly creatures stood above The Lord crying, “Holy, holy, holy is Yahweh of hosts: the whole earth is full of His glory.” In the presence of such majesty the prophet felt his exceeding sinfulness, hence, he declared: “Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, Yahweh of hosts” (Isaiah 6:1-5) Psalm 8 what is man
When we come before God we should instantly be reminded of the awesomeness of His Glory and render unto Him all praise and thanksgiving with fear and tremblings – remembering that we are unworthy to be in His presence yet He chose to be in ours. Amen.
Today’s Word
1 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. 2 Above him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. 3 And they were calling to one another:
“Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty;
the whole earth is full of his glory.”

4 At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke. 5 “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty.” ~ Isaiah 6:1-5 (NIV)
Today’s Prayer
Father, I pray to You today in the name of—*YeHoWsHua HaMashiach – Jesus the Christ. I pray that You would forgive me for all the times that I have come into Your presence without reverence and awe. Please forgive my attitude of entitlement. I know that I am not worthy to be called your child for I was born into sin and shaped in iniquity. I live among people who love sin and iniquity. Please forgive me O God. I repent of my earthly birth and I desire to be born-again. Save me Father from this generation of godlessness. Empower me to live a life of continual worship and praise – one that brings glory and honor to your name. Help me to always respect Your house of worship and give due reverence to the presence of Your Holy Spirit. Guide and direct me in the ways of holiness that I may not sin against You. This is my prayer today in the name of the LORD YeHoWsHua* (Jesus) the Christ, Amen.
The Hebrew spelling of the name of Christ is used in this prayer for educational purposes. Yehowshua is often shorten to Yeshua but out of respect for my Lord I chose to use the spelling of His proper name to demonstrate that His name s above every name and that even the spelling of His name is relative to the spelling of The Father’s name – remembering that there were not any vowels in the Hebrew alphabets. Thus, YHWH (Yahweh) and YeHoWsHua (Yahweh is salvation) are grammatically and uniquely related.
For more information of the authentic name of God, please follow the link below:

Monday, February 6, 2012

Today's Word & Prayer for February 6 2012

[See Audio Player of Recording of Today's Message at Today's Word & Prayer for February 6 2012 
God is not an intellectual curiosity to be figured out, dissected or cataloged. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”  God cannot be simply explained nor His wisdom obtained through the intellectual or scientific disciplines of this world.  God unveils Himself through divine revelation. For the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned (1 Corinthians 2:14).
This is what Jesus was saying when he spoke to Peter in Matthew 16:17: “Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in Heaven.”
Educational attainments are honorable. We certainly need education with all of its many advantages. I encourage everyone to get as much education as possible.  You certainly can do more with a good education than without one.  However, the study of theology, systematic or otherwise, will not transmit divine knowledge or the mysteries of God’s Word.  This is beyond the intellectual ability of mankind.  At best, theology may provide mankind with historical references, anthropological facts and social insights into religious cultures and belief systems.  At worst, theology serves to justify man’s exaggerated sense of himself — his intellectual capacity for obtaining godlike knowledge — focusing his attention on intellectual enlightenment rather than God’s divine revelation (1 Corinthians 2:12-13).This is where I part company from academically laden preachers and pastors whose only qualification for pastoring is academia and/or ecclesiastical appointment. (Romans 10:14-15)
We are challenged today to trust in God’s revelation and not in man’s wisdom.
“Education without divine revelation is like faith without works – it’s dead!” (Bishop O.W. Prince)
 Today’s Word 
18Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you thinks that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. 19  For the wisdom of this world is folly with God.  For it is written, “He catches the wise in their craftiness,” 20 and again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile.” 21 So let no one boast in men… — 1 Corinthians 3:18-21 
Today’s Prayer 
Father, I pray to You today in the name of—*YeHoWsHua HaMashiach – The Anointed One from the Father – Jesus the Messiah.  Father, I am grateful for the privilege to pray to you.  Please forgive me of all of my sins and pardon all of my offenses.  I once trusted in my own knowledge, wisdom and understanding.  I once trusted in the insights of scholars and the validation of education but now I know that all true knowledge comes from Thee.  You are the revealer of all truth for You are the Truth.  No one can know anything about You until You reveal Yourself.  Thank You for revealing Yourself to me through Christ.  While others boast of their human wisdom, I boast in You O God.  I totally depend upon You for all knowledge, wisdom and understanding.  You are the One who gives wisdom generously to all who ask.  Through the Power and unction of the Holy Spirit, I ask that You please give me wisdom today O LORD; Wisdom to surrender to Your will; Wisdom to obey Your Holy and Eternal Commandments; Wisdom to accomplish all that You’ve called and sent me to do; Wisdom to rightly discern Your Word and Preach and Teach Your Kingdom message; Wisdom to Love, Forgive, Heal and Deliver; Wisdom to prosper in whatever I do.  This is my prayer today in the name of the LORD YeHoWsHua* (Jesus) the Christ, Amen. 
The Hebrew spelling of the name of Christ is used in this prayer for educational purposes. Yehowshua is often shorten to Yeshua but out of respect for my Lord I chose to use the spelling of His proper name to demonstrate that His name s above every name and that even the spelling of His name is relative to the spelling of The Father’s name – remembering that there were not any vowels in the Hebrew alphabets. Thus, YHWH (Yahweh) and YeHoWsHua (Yahweh is salvation) are grammatically and uniquely related.
For more information of the authentic name of God, please follow the link below: