Saturday, March 31, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Dressed to Kill
I hope that my Followers can appreciate Steven’s irony, sarcasm and satire that he so effectively expressed and portrayed on last evening. Listen as he tears into the ignorance of Florida’s gun law and the insanity of the white racists’ politicians justification for killing blacks.
The Word - Dressed to Kill - The Colbert Report..., posted with vodpod
Monday, March 26, 2012
“One of The Hardest Things To Do Is Nothing” / This Week’s Word & Prayer for March 26–30th
This Week’s Word

7 Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains. 8 You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near. ~ James 5:7-8 (NASB)

We all know that patience isn’t easy, or fun. But it is the path of the wise. Or, perhaps it’s better to say the “non-path,” since it usually involves a decision to do nothing, to be still and know that we are not God.
“Patience” has been prized in the Bible as the quality of a good leader. However, in today’s contemporary society of immediate gratification, patience is not something we see very often nor is it something we expect in our leaders. Don’t we usually think of leaders as people who make immediate command decisions, rush into action, tell others what to do, and make people feel safe?
James refers to “Patience” as the “strengthening of the heart.” Patience is directly related to another fruit of the Spirit–self-control. Self-control is a fruit of godly knowledge and it leads to perseverance. Perseverance leads to godliness and godliness leads to brotherly kindness and brotherly kindness leads to love (2 Peter 1:5-7) which is the main character trait and virtue of every godly leader.
Patience puts our emotions under control and God in control. Patience prevents rash judgment and judgmentalism. It is a beautiful paradox of being a non-action and yet a conscious exercise of free will. Patience provides godly solutions in God’s time and delivers the promises of God in due season.
Patience is a Christian’s virtue and requires the strength of character to know when to be still, quiet, trusting and calm even when it appears that the unpleasantness of our situation is not getting better or it seems as if God is not coming to the rescue.
I encourage everyone to practice patience this week by seeking not to pursue control of your life’s situations, problems and challenges. But rather ponder whether it’s indeed your problem to solve in the first place. Start by remembering the miracles of the past –how God provided for you when all hope was lost; how God delivered you from your enemies when it seemed as if you were doomed; how the Lord cancelled your debts and delivered you from your creditors and how He fought and won battles for you without your assistance. Remember His promise that the great work he began in you will not remain incomplete, no matter how long it takes.
“You will know that I am the LORD; Those who hopefully wait for Me will not be put to shame (Isaiah 49:23).” Amen.
This Week’s Prayer
Father, I pray to You today in the name of—*YeHoWsHua HaMashiach – Jesus the Christ. You are faithful in all of Your ways. Your promises are never broken. What seems like a delay to me is not a denial from You. You are the God of Truth. Thank You for the promise of your blessings. Please forgive me for being impatient, anxious or fearful when my prayers go answered. I know now that through patience, I can strengthen my heart and grow into maturity. I know that you are working all things for my good regardless of how long it takes. I know that You will not abandon me nor forsake me. I will reap the harvest if I faint not. I will receive my reward and the crown of life if I endure to the end. Help me Oh God to endure and have more patience. Help me to trust in You with obedience and patience – not fearful but hopefully looking toward the day of my deliverance. It is in the name of the LORD YeHoWsHua* (Jesus) the Christ I pray, Amen.
Bishop O.W. Prince and The O.W. Prince Ministries authorizes that this work along with all works posted on this blog and related blogs may be copied, redistributed and retransmitted in part or in whole for non-commercial purposes only and without change or alteration to its contents or materials with the stipulation that the author and source be clearly acknowledged.
7 Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains. 8 You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near. ~ James 5:7-8 (NASB)

“Patience” has been prized in the Bible as the quality of a good leader. However, in today’s contemporary society of immediate gratification, patience is not something we see very often nor is it something we expect in our leaders. Don’t we usually think of leaders as people who make immediate command decisions, rush into action, tell others what to do, and make people feel safe?
James refers to “Patience” as the “strengthening of the heart.” Patience is directly related to another fruit of the Spirit–self-control. Self-control is a fruit of godly knowledge and it leads to perseverance. Perseverance leads to godliness and godliness leads to brotherly kindness and brotherly kindness leads to love (2 Peter 1:5-7) which is the main character trait and virtue of every godly leader.
Patience puts our emotions under control and God in control. Patience prevents rash judgment and judgmentalism. It is a beautiful paradox of being a non-action and yet a conscious exercise of free will. Patience provides godly solutions in God’s time and delivers the promises of God in due season.
Patience is a Christian’s virtue and requires the strength of character to know when to be still, quiet, trusting and calm even when it appears that the unpleasantness of our situation is not getting better or it seems as if God is not coming to the rescue.
I encourage everyone to practice patience this week by seeking not to pursue control of your life’s situations, problems and challenges. But rather ponder whether it’s indeed your problem to solve in the first place. Start by remembering the miracles of the past –how God provided for you when all hope was lost; how God delivered you from your enemies when it seemed as if you were doomed; how the Lord cancelled your debts and delivered you from your creditors and how He fought and won battles for you without your assistance. Remember His promise that the great work he began in you will not remain incomplete, no matter how long it takes.
“You will know that I am the LORD; Those who hopefully wait for Me will not be put to shame (Isaiah 49:23).” Amen.
This Week’s Prayer
Father, I pray to You today in the name of—*YeHoWsHua HaMashiach – Jesus the Christ. You are faithful in all of Your ways. Your promises are never broken. What seems like a delay to me is not a denial from You. You are the God of Truth. Thank You for the promise of your blessings. Please forgive me for being impatient, anxious or fearful when my prayers go answered. I know now that through patience, I can strengthen my heart and grow into maturity. I know that you are working all things for my good regardless of how long it takes. I know that You will not abandon me nor forsake me. I will reap the harvest if I faint not. I will receive my reward and the crown of life if I endure to the end. Help me Oh God to endure and have more patience. Help me to trust in You with obedience and patience – not fearful but hopefully looking toward the day of my deliverance. It is in the name of the LORD YeHoWsHua* (Jesus) the Christ I pray, Amen.
Copyright © Othealor W. Prince 2012
All Rights Reserved
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Bishop O.W. Prince and The O.W. Prince Ministries authorizes that this work along with all works posted on this blog and related blogs may be copied, redistributed and retransmitted in part or in whole for non-commercial purposes only and without change or alteration to its contents or materials with the stipulation that the author and source be clearly acknowledged.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
The Trayvon Martin Murder
American justice is unjust with regards to the value of a white life to
that of an African American, particularly a black male. It appears that the
predominantly white American Justice System considers the life of a dog (referencing
the Michael Vick story) more valuable than that of a black male teenager. I can
imagine if a black man had shot and killed a white teenager in the same manner
that Trayvon was murdered he would be arrested immediately without question
regardless of his explanation and we all know I am telling the truth.
Let me say one more
thing. Every since President Barack
Obama became President of The United States of America, racist in America lost their minds
and their civility –if they ever had any - and they have raised the level of
their hate for blacks to new heights.
Not since the sixties have we ever seen more incidents of racist
remarks, racist cartoon caricatures, racist signs and literature as we do today. It has all been in response to a black man becoming president. I am
only stating what is obvious to most African Americans.
Racist have
declared war on all African American citizens of the United States of
America. They have used every
conceivable method to eradicate the world of black people – from medically
unwarranted hysterectomies on uninformed and unsuspecting black women to the
castration, murder and unjust incarceration of black males. I was wondering when someone will notice and
say something but no one did. Therefore,
I have.
Wake up America! There is a war going on right on American soil that is more insidious than anything we have warred against on foreign soil. It is time that we totally demolish the white good old boys system and tear down the strongholds of the enemy – exposing them for the clandestine cowards that they are. Let us respond in the right spirit - the spirit of unity and justice not hate and revenge. Those are the weapons of the enemy. Our weapons are greater. Our weapons are superior intellect and spiritual maturity honed by centuries of real life education, abuse, hardship and suffering. Our weapons are not of this world but mighty through God. They are the prayers prayed by the broken hearted and crushed in spirit. They are the righteous acts of those who champion the cause of justice and equality. They are the heart wrenching cries of a mother weeping over her murdered son. They are the moans of a father in anguish over the killing of his only boy. They are the promises of God who keeps His Word.
“The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit…Evil will slay the wicked; the foes of the righteous will be condemned. The LORD will rescue his servants; no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned. (Psalm 34:17-21)
Bishop O.W. Prince and The O.W. Prince Ministries authorizes that this work along with all works posted on this blog and related blogs may be copied, redistributed and retransmitted in part or in whole for non-commercial purposes only and without change or alteration to its contents or materials with the stipulation that the author and source be clearly posted and acknowledged.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
This takes racism
to a new level. It openly and undeniably
reveals how insidious racism is in America.
It exposes the American legal system for what it has been and continues
to be with regards to its heinous disregard for an African American life.
The Trayvon Martin
Story is not unique to American history.
However, it is absolutely unique to the African American experience.
It has been open
season on African American males for as long as I can remember. Historically, white men and some white women
have murdered and stolen the lives and destroyed the families of countless
African Americans with impunity. We are
murdered simply because of the color our skin or because we dare to look a
white person in the eye when we speak to them or because we have a healthy self
image and do not choose to think less of ourselves than we ought or because we
marry out our race or have a mastery of the English language. Regardless of the godless and surreptitious
behavior of the predominantly white law enforcement agencies in America, the
majority of African Americans observe, respect and obey the law.
Now it is time for
a change. It is time for an unprecedented
reaction to the criminal injustices of our justice system officials and the cold blooded murder of our children. Our reaction should resonate throughout
history and send an unprecedented message to the powers that be that our
mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, sisters and bothers and God loving citizens
are not going to tolerate or endure the murdering of our children any
longer. There has to be a change. The Law Enforcement officers, government
officials and law makers who have allowed this injustice must be exposed,
replaced and punished.
Enough is enough
and the time for change is now! Rally
our legal geniuses. Engage our socially
conscience and morally righteous activists.
Respect, protect and support those who are in positions of power and
influence to impact and correct the disparity in the justice system. Help the righteous leaders of justice expose
and punish those who have violated human and civil rights. Send the message that we will not rest until
justice prevails nor will we forget the heinous crimes of racism or
tolerate its poisonous attitude or behavior in our society any longer.
Wake up America! There is a war going on right on American soil that is more insidious than anything we have warred against on foreign soil. It is time that we totally demolish the white good old boys system and tear down the strongholds of the enemy – exposing them for the clandestine cowards that they are. Let us respond in the right spirit - the spirit of unity and justice not hate and revenge. Those are the weapons of the enemy. Our weapons are greater. Our weapons are superior intellect and spiritual maturity honed by centuries of real life education, abuse, hardship and suffering. Our weapons are not of this world but mighty through God. They are the prayers prayed by the broken hearted and crushed in spirit. They are the righteous acts of those who champion the cause of justice and equality. They are the heart wrenching cries of a mother weeping over her murdered son. They are the moans of a father in anguish over the killing of his only boy. They are the promises of God who keeps His Word.
“The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit…Evil will slay the wicked; the foes of the righteous will be condemned. The LORD will rescue his servants; no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned. (Psalm 34:17-21)
Bishop O.W. Prince and The O.W. Prince Ministries authorizes that this work along with all works posted on this blog and related blogs may be copied, redistributed and retransmitted in part or in whole for non-commercial purposes only and without change or alteration to its contents or materials with the stipulation that the author and source be clearly posted and acknowledged.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
This Week’s Word & Prayer for March 19 -23
This Week’s Word
“So Mephibosheth ate at David’s table like one of the king’s sons” 2 Samuel 9:11 (NIV).

Mephibosheth was a man who was living way below his potential. He was the grandson of King Saul and the son of Prince Jonathan, but he lived like a poor man. When he was a little boy, his nurse dropped him while fleeing from their enemies. As a result, he was crippled in both feet (2 Samuel 9).
When David took over as King of Israel, he wanted to know if there was anyone in Jonathan’s household to whom he could show kindness. Jonathan had been David’s best friend, and he loved him as a brother. A servant told David about the crippled Mephibosheth, and he was summoned immediately. Mephibosheth lived in a place called Lo-Debar (meaning a pasture-less land).
Mephibosheth was living below his privilege. He was the grandchild of a king, but he was living in a pasture less land like a dirt poor beggar. When he came before King David he said, “What is your servant, that you should notice a dead dog like me?”
David didn’t even answer him. He simply turned to his servant and commanded that all the land that had been Saul’s be given back to his grandson and that Mephibosheth should eat at the king’s table everyday.
Perhaps you are walking around like a crippled because of something that has happened to you as a child. Perhaps you feel like a “dead dog.” And yet, God is looking for ways to bless you, to restore what has been taken away, and invite you to feast at His table everyday. Mephibosheth was a grandchild of King Saul and potential heir to the throne. However, he saw himself as nothing more than a “dead dog,” unworthy to receive even the smallest crumb of kindness from David. David’s desire was to restore to Mephibosheth all the land that would have been his inheritance and invite him to feast at his table daily. Mephibosheth didn’t see himself as he really was. In reality, he was royalty.
Do you see yourself as you really are? You are a chosen, dearly loved, child of God. You have been blessed with every spiritual blessing, delivered from the domain of darkness and transferred to the kingdom of Christ! You are a child of the King!
This Week’s Prayer
Father, I pray to You today in the name of—*YeHoWsHua HaMashiach – Jesus the Christ. You are gracious and plentiful in mercies. Thank You for the invitation to sit and eat at Your table of blessings. Please forgive me for living beneath my privilege and for thinking of myself as a dead dog. I know now that through repentance, baptism in Your name and the power of the Holy Spirit, that I am a child of the King and I should act like one! Today, I accept Your hospitality and declare my kinship with You. I am a chosen child of God who has been delivered from the darkness of my past and my circumstances. I have been made a citizen of the kingdom of God and I will rejoice in the name of the LORD YeHoWsHua* (Jesus) the Christ, Amen.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Mephibosheth was a man who was living way below his potential. He was the grandson of King Saul and the son of Prince Jonathan, but he lived like a poor man. When he was a little boy, his nurse dropped him while fleeing from their enemies. As a result, he was crippled in both feet (2 Samuel 9).
When David took over as King of Israel, he wanted to know if there was anyone in Jonathan’s household to whom he could show kindness. Jonathan had been David’s best friend, and he loved him as a brother. A servant told David about the crippled Mephibosheth, and he was summoned immediately. Mephibosheth lived in a place called Lo-Debar (meaning a pasture-less land).
Mephibosheth was living below his privilege. He was the grandchild of a king, but he was living in a pasture less land like a dirt poor beggar. When he came before King David he said, “What is your servant, that you should notice a dead dog like me?”
David didn’t even answer him. He simply turned to his servant and commanded that all the land that had been Saul’s be given back to his grandson and that Mephibosheth should eat at the king’s table everyday.
Do you see yourself as you really are? You are a chosen, dearly loved, child of God. You have been blessed with every spiritual blessing, delivered from the domain of darkness and transferred to the kingdom of Christ! You are a child of the King!
This Week’s Prayer
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Twisted Corrupted Lost & On Fire / A Strong Word for a Lost People
Click below to open audio player
Bishop O.W. Prince and The O.W. Prince Ministries authorizes that this work along with all works posted on this blog and related blogs may be copied, redistributed and retransmitted in part or in whole for non-commercial purposes only and without change or alteration to its contents or materials with the stipulation that the author and source be clearly acknowledged.Friday, March 16, 2012
“The Truth About Revivals”
This leads me to the question, “What is a “Revival?” Why do churches have “Revivals?” What does a church revival accomplish? What is its main objective or purpose? These are questions that you should want to know the answers to.
According to one source, a “Revival” is a series of Christian religious services held in order to inspire active members of a church body, to raise funds and to gain new members to its congregation.
C.H. Spurgeon wrote that a revival may best be interpreted thus: “To live again, to receive again a life which has almost expired; to rekindle into a flame the vital spark which was nearly extinguished.” (From the December 1866 Sword and Trowel)
Regardless of which definition you choose, it appears that revivals assume that those sponsoring them are saved and need encouraging. Revivals assume that the sponsoring religious body has obeyed God’s ordained plan of salvation (repentance, baptism in Jesus’ name and the reception of the Holy Ghost as evidenced by the speaking in tongue). Without any biblical or spiritual proof that they are saved, many alleged Christian churches are having revivals without any biblical precedent, God given authority or power other than that of their own imaginations, traditions and man-made declarations of faith.
I do not personally support the notion of revivals. They seem to be more about the raising of money and the praising of the personality preaching than about the Kingdom of God and His ordained plan of salvation. Revivalist these days seem to be more interested in entertaining and drawing a large following than about exposing sin, uncovering wickedness and calling sinners to repentance. A great number of contemporary revivalists have adopted the quick and easy ineffectual and demonically contrived notion of salvation whereby one may be saved simply by “receiving Christ” or “reciting a sinner’s prayer” or ”believing in their hearts” or some other made-up foolishness of their imagination. The questions we should ask is: “How do I receive Christ without repentance and obedience?” How can the man-made sinners’ prayer save me when man didn’t die for me?” “How can believing save me when demons also believe and tremble?” “If these methods worked so good, why didn’t Christ or his apostles us them?” “Why didn’t the apostles of Christ have revivals?” How can the unsaved, disobedient, rebellious and prideful church or revivalist lead anyone to salvation?
The answer is: “They cannot!”
Their formulas or methods of salvation are based upon human understanding, academic justification, denominational validation and emotional ratification. It just sounds good, looks good and feels good but its ways lead to death.
I am reminded of the lesson of Matthew 23:15 where Christ calls the religious leaders hypocrites and points out that they expend a lot of effort to win new member and when they have converted him to their religion, they make him twice as much a child of hell as they are. And again in Matthew 15:9-14 I am reminded that Christ plainly stated that they worship him in vain teaching only the rules (theology) of men. He calls them blind guides who lead others to the pit (Hell). Jesus plainly warns us to leave them.
I repeat what my Lord has already said. Leave them! They are only after your money and your membership in their religious organization. Leave them! They are only practicing a tradition of sedition whereby pastors take turns preaching in each others pulpit for money. Leave them! They are blind guides who cannot see that they need salvation. Leave them! They are hypocrites who are not saved themselves and cannot lead anyone else to salvation. Leave them! How can they revive that which has never been alive –born again? And why would a born-again child of the living God who is filled with God eternal Holy Spirit need reviving from a dead church?
Our revival, our restoration, our renewal come from God.
Leave them!
Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord.
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Tuesday, March 13, 2012
“Is One Church as Good as Another?” / This Week’s Word and Prayer
Matthew 16:18 (NKJV)
18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.
This is a valid question that millions of folks have pondered.
It appears to me that many people believe that they are Christians simply because they have joined a church. The contemporary Christians seem to be under some delusion that as long as they join a church, any church, they are saved and will inherit eternal life.This could not be further from the truth.
Allow me to help put this in perspective. Ask yourself: Is one medicine as good as another? Is one car as good as another? When you are traveling, is one direction as good as another? When balancing your checking account, is one answer as good as another? Is one school as good as another? Is a counterfeit bill as good as a genuine piece of currency? Is a forged check of equal value with a good one? Of course, the answer to all of these questions is “no.” One is not necessarily as good as the other. In many cases, one is downright inferior, or even worthless.
Only in the realm of religion would we even consider saying that “One church is as good as another.” Christ purchased a Church (Acts 20:28). He built a Church (Matt. 16:18). He is savior of a Church (Eph. 5:23). He is head of a Church (Eph. 1:22). That church is undisputedly of ultimate value and benefit to all who become members of it. New Testament writers speak of it as an exclusive, unitary church. They call it “The” Church. They tell us there is One body or Church (Eph. 4:4-5). Across the centuries, men and women have established hundreds of churches of their own design and out of their own imagination. But who would dare say that any one of them is of equal value with the Church that Christ built? Christ’s Church existed long before any human denomination, sect or cult was created. Our eternal destiny depends on our being members of The Church, which is God’s family of Baptized, Holy Spirit Empowered believers (John 3:5, Romans 8:9 & Eph. 5:23). It behooves us therefore to be members of that Church which Christ built. No other church is equal to that of Christ’s Church. There is salvation in no other Church save the One True Church–Christ Jesus.
Today’s Prayer
Father, I pray to You today in the name of—*YeHoWsHua HaMashiach – Jesus the Christ. You are the One True God and Your Church is the One True Church. I pray for Your forgiveness today. Please forgive me O’ Lord for thinking that the churches of the world were equal to Your One True Church. I now repent of that sinful and corrupt way of thinking. I earnestly seek to enter into Your Church as You have instructed me to do through repentance (death to sin), baptism (Burial with Christ) in the name of Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I wholeheartedly desire to obey all of Your commandments. Save me Oh God! Rescue me from the deceptions of Satan and from the pride of religion. Help me to live a life that brings glory, praise and honor to Your name and to The One True Church of Jesus Christ. This is my prayer today in the name of the LORD YeHoWsHua* (Jesus) the Christ, Amen.
The Hebrew spelling of the name of Christ is used in this prayer for educational purposes. Yehowshua is often shorten to Yeshua but out of respect for my Lord I chose to use the spelling of His proper name to demonstrate that His name s above every name and that even the spelling of His name is relative to the spelling of The Father’s name – remembering that there were not any vowels in the Hebrew alphabets. Thus, YHWH (Yahweh) and YeHoWsHua (Yahweh is salvation) are grammatically and uniquely related.
For more information of the authentic name of God, please follow the link below:
Bishop O.W. Prince and The O.W. Prince Ministries authorizes that this work along with all works posted on this blog and related blogs may be copied, redistributed and retransmitted in part or in whole for non-commercial purposes only and without change or alteration to its contents or materials with the stipulation that the author and source be clearly acknowledged.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
“Satan Deceives but God Redeems” - This Week’s Word & Prayer
This Week’s Word
The problem comes when those who have not been redeemed begins to say and think that they are. Many so-called Christians claim to be Christians but are in fact children of disobedience. They are deceived, deceiving and being deceived. They have been deceived into believing that they can be saved through some man-made, denominationally contrived, method of salvation. They continue deceiving others by repeating the lie told to them and they deceive themselves continually by telling themselves and each other that they are saved, when in fact, they are lost.
One of Satan’s weapons that he used with Eve in the Garden of Eden was deception. He tricked Eve into believing that God didn’t mean what He said when He forbade them from eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Gen. 3:2-5). Satan is still using that same weapon of deception today. Satan deceives men and women around the world through counterfeit Christian churches, hypnotic song lyrics, false preahers and worldly religions. Satan deceives many people into believing that God will accept them on their terms and in accordance with their religious beliefs. Satan has imitated God so closely that if it were not for God’s Holy Spirit indwelling in His children, Satan would deceive the very elect of God (Matthew 24:24).
And this is a crucial matter in Christendom. It involves our eternal soul’s redemption and salvation.
Revelation 12:9 says, “So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Satan has deceived the whole world. The apostle Paul tells us that “Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14).
The Bible says that because of the spirit of the prince of the air the wrath of God is coming upon the children of disobedience. (Colossians 3:6 and Ephesians 2:2). Those who have been deceived and refuse to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ will experience the wrath of God’s Judgement and damnation.
Jesus says in Matthew 7:21 that “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” And it is God’s will and commandment that all repent and be batized in the name of Jesus Christ and receive His promised gift of the Holy Spirit (John 3: 3-7, Acts 2:38-42, 2 Peter 3:9).
When I was growing up I heard an old Negro Spiritual that said, “Everybody talking ‘bout heaven ain’t going to a heaven.” The lyrics of that spiritual are constant with the Words of Jesus and still holds true today.
I can’t speak for you but I don’t want to experience the wrath of God nor do I want to be counted among the children of disobedience. I want to be saved in accordance with God’s commandments. I want to go where Jesus is. I want to go to heaven.
The Bible teaches us that to love God is to keep His commandments and His commandments are not grievous (1 John 5:3). It teaches us that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft to the Lord and if we reject God’s Word He will reject us (1 Samuel 15:23).
Those who have rejected or rebelled against God’s Holy commandment to repent, be baptized (submerged under water) in the name of Christ Jesus, and receive His precious gift of the Holy Spirit which shall make itself known by speaking out of them in other tongues have also rejected Jesus Christ and God’s Ordained Plan of Salvation (Acts 2:38-42).
Disobedience equals Disrespect and Disrespect equals Rebellion and Rebellion ends in eternal Damnation.
Let those who have ears to hear, hear what the Spirit is saying unto the Church.
This Week’s Prayer
Father, I pray to You today in the name of—*YeHoWsHua HaMashiach – Jesus the Christ. His is the name be which salvation comes. You who are Holy have hallowed His name above all names and it is in Jesus’ name I pray today. Please forgive me of my rebellious ways and of my disobedience to Your divine plan of salvation. I was temporarily deceived by Satan and enslaved in sin. The pride of religion and self-righteousness held me captive. But where I once was blind, now I see. I am sorely sorry for my sins and I earnestly repent of my disobedience and my transgressions. Have mercy on me Oh God! I seek Your forgiveness and salvation for there is no other salvation under heaven or among men whereby I may be saved. Guide me to Your anointed and effectual man servant that I may be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ—burying the dead sinful nature and rising to a new life in Christ Jesus – expecting to be fully endowed with Your Holy Spirit. Direct my footstep toward You and empower me against the deceptions of Satan. This is my prayer today in the name of the LORD YeHoWsHua* (Jesus) the Christ, Amen.
For more information on God’s Divine Plan of Salvation, please visit the page entitled, The Way Of Salvation or write us and ask for the CD entitled The Danger of Disrespect and Disobedience.
I am the LORD…I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments. Exodus 6:6 (KJV)
Redeem means to be bought back, delivered, ransomed, or purchased. As our Redeemer, God has purchased our freedom in Christ from the slave market of sin, delivered us from Satan’s power, and made us His own possession. We have been redeemed from a useless life to a fruitful life; from a life of bondage to a life of freedom; from a life of guilt, condemnation, and judgment to a life of forgiveness, justification, and peace. We who have obeyed God’s Divine Plan of Redemption have been redeemed. Let the redeemed of the LORD say so. The problem comes when those who have not been redeemed begins to say and think that they are. Many so-called Christians claim to be Christians but are in fact children of disobedience. They are deceived, deceiving and being deceived. They have been deceived into believing that they can be saved through some man-made, denominationally contrived, method of salvation. They continue deceiving others by repeating the lie told to them and they deceive themselves continually by telling themselves and each other that they are saved, when in fact, they are lost.
And this is a crucial matter in Christendom. It involves our eternal soul’s redemption and salvation.
Revelation 12:9 says, “So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Satan has deceived the whole world. The apostle Paul tells us that “Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14).
The Bible says that because of the spirit of the prince of the air the wrath of God is coming upon the children of disobedience. (Colossians 3:6 and Ephesians 2:2). Those who have been deceived and refuse to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ will experience the wrath of God’s Judgement and damnation.
Jesus says in Matthew 7:21 that “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” And it is God’s will and commandment that all repent and be batized in the name of Jesus Christ and receive His promised gift of the Holy Spirit (John 3: 3-7, Acts 2:38-42, 2 Peter 3:9).
When I was growing up I heard an old Negro Spiritual that said, “Everybody talking ‘bout heaven ain’t going to a heaven.” The lyrics of that spiritual are constant with the Words of Jesus and still holds true today.
I can’t speak for you but I don’t want to experience the wrath of God nor do I want to be counted among the children of disobedience. I want to be saved in accordance with God’s commandments. I want to go where Jesus is. I want to go to heaven.
The Bible teaches us that to love God is to keep His commandments and His commandments are not grievous (1 John 5:3). It teaches us that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft to the Lord and if we reject God’s Word He will reject us (1 Samuel 15:23).
Those who have rejected or rebelled against God’s Holy commandment to repent, be baptized (submerged under water) in the name of Christ Jesus, and receive His precious gift of the Holy Spirit which shall make itself known by speaking out of them in other tongues have also rejected Jesus Christ and God’s Ordained Plan of Salvation (Acts 2:38-42).
Disobedience equals Disrespect and Disrespect equals Rebellion and Rebellion ends in eternal Damnation.
Let those who have ears to hear, hear what the Spirit is saying unto the Church.
Father, I pray to You today in the name of—*YeHoWsHua HaMashiach – Jesus the Christ. His is the name be which salvation comes. You who are Holy have hallowed His name above all names and it is in Jesus’ name I pray today. Please forgive me of my rebellious ways and of my disobedience to Your divine plan of salvation. I was temporarily deceived by Satan and enslaved in sin. The pride of religion and self-righteousness held me captive. But where I once was blind, now I see. I am sorely sorry for my sins and I earnestly repent of my disobedience and my transgressions. Have mercy on me Oh God! I seek Your forgiveness and salvation for there is no other salvation under heaven or among men whereby I may be saved. Guide me to Your anointed and effectual man servant that I may be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ—burying the dead sinful nature and rising to a new life in Christ Jesus – expecting to be fully endowed with Your Holy Spirit. Direct my footstep toward You and empower me against the deceptions of Satan. This is my prayer today in the name of the LORD YeHoWsHua* (Jesus) the Christ, Amen.
For more information on God’s Divine Plan of Salvation, please visit the page entitled, The Way Of Salvation or write us and ask for the CD entitled The Danger of Disrespect and Disobedience.
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Saturday, March 3, 2012
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