7 Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains. 8 You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near. ~ James 5:7-8 (NASB)

“Patience” has been prized in the Bible as the quality of a good leader. However, in today’s contemporary society of immediate gratification, patience is not something we see very often nor is it something we expect in our leaders. Don’t we usually think of leaders as people who make immediate command decisions, rush into action, tell others what to do, and make people feel safe?
James refers to “Patience” as the “strengthening of the heart.” Patience is directly related to another fruit of the Spirit–self-control. Self-control is a fruit of godly knowledge and it leads to perseverance. Perseverance leads to godliness and godliness leads to brotherly kindness and brotherly kindness leads to love (2 Peter 1:5-7) which is the main character trait and virtue of every godly leader.
Patience puts our emotions under control and God in control. Patience prevents rash judgment and judgmentalism. It is a beautiful paradox of being a non-action and yet a conscious exercise of free will. Patience provides godly solutions in God’s time and delivers the promises of God in due season.
Patience is a Christian’s virtue and requires the strength of character to know when to be still, quiet, trusting and calm even when it appears that the unpleasantness of our situation is not getting better or it seems as if God is not coming to the rescue.
I encourage everyone to practice patience this week by seeking not to pursue control of your life’s situations, problems and challenges. But rather ponder whether it’s indeed your problem to solve in the first place. Start by remembering the miracles of the past –how God provided for you when all hope was lost; how God delivered you from your enemies when it seemed as if you were doomed; how the Lord cancelled your debts and delivered you from your creditors and how He fought and won battles for you without your assistance. Remember His promise that the great work he began in you will not remain incomplete, no matter how long it takes.
“You will know that I am the LORD; Those who hopefully wait for Me will not be put to shame (Isaiah 49:23).” Amen.
This Week’s Prayer
Father, I pray to You today in the name of—*YeHoWsHua HaMashiach – Jesus the Christ. You are faithful in all of Your ways. Your promises are never broken. What seems like a delay to me is not a denial from You. You are the God of Truth. Thank You for the promise of your blessings. Please forgive me for being impatient, anxious or fearful when my prayers go answered. I know now that through patience, I can strengthen my heart and grow into maturity. I know that you are working all things for my good regardless of how long it takes. I know that You will not abandon me nor forsake me. I will reap the harvest if I faint not. I will receive my reward and the crown of life if I endure to the end. Help me Oh God to endure and have more patience. Help me to trust in You with obedience and patience – not fearful but hopefully looking toward the day of my deliverance. It is in the name of the LORD YeHoWsHua* (Jesus) the Christ I pray, Amen.
Copyright © Othealor W. Prince 2012
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