This leads me to the question, “What is a “Revival?” Why do churches have “Revivals?” What does a church revival accomplish? What is its main objective or purpose? These are questions that you should want to know the answers to.
According to one source, a “Revival” is a series of Christian religious services held in order to inspire active members of a church body, to raise funds and to gain new members to its congregation.
C.H. Spurgeon wrote that a revival may best be interpreted thus: “To live again, to receive again a life which has almost expired; to rekindle into a flame the vital spark which was nearly extinguished.” (From the December 1866 Sword and Trowel)
Regardless of which definition you choose, it appears that revivals assume that those sponsoring them are saved and need encouraging. Revivals assume that the sponsoring religious body has obeyed God’s ordained plan of salvation (repentance, baptism in Jesus’ name and the reception of the Holy Ghost as evidenced by the speaking in tongue). Without any biblical or spiritual proof that they are saved, many alleged Christian churches are having revivals without any biblical precedent, God given authority or power other than that of their own imaginations, traditions and man-made declarations of faith.
I do not personally support the notion of revivals. They seem to be more about the raising of money and the praising of the personality preaching than about the Kingdom of God and His ordained plan of salvation. Revivalist these days seem to be more interested in entertaining and drawing a large following than about exposing sin, uncovering wickedness and calling sinners to repentance. A great number of contemporary revivalists have adopted the quick and easy ineffectual and demonically contrived notion of salvation whereby one may be saved simply by “receiving Christ” or “reciting a sinner’s prayer” or ”believing in their hearts” or some other made-up foolishness of their imagination. The questions we should ask is: “How do I receive Christ without repentance and obedience?” How can the man-made sinners’ prayer save me when man didn’t die for me?” “How can believing save me when demons also believe and tremble?” “If these methods worked so good, why didn’t Christ or his apostles us them?” “Why didn’t the apostles of Christ have revivals?” How can the unsaved, disobedient, rebellious and prideful church or revivalist lead anyone to salvation?
The answer is: “They cannot!”
Their formulas or methods of salvation are based upon human understanding, academic justification, denominational validation and emotional ratification. It just sounds good, looks good and feels good but its ways lead to death.
I am reminded of the lesson of Matthew 23:15 where Christ calls the religious leaders hypocrites and points out that they expend a lot of effort to win new member and when they have converted him to their religion, they make him twice as much a child of hell as they are. And again in Matthew 15:9-14 I am reminded that Christ plainly stated that they worship him in vain teaching only the rules (theology) of men. He calls them blind guides who lead others to the pit (Hell). Jesus plainly warns us to leave them.
I repeat what my Lord has already said. Leave them! They are only after your money and your membership in their religious organization. Leave them! They are only practicing a tradition of sedition whereby pastors take turns preaching in each others pulpit for money. Leave them! They are blind guides who cannot see that they need salvation. Leave them! They are hypocrites who are not saved themselves and cannot lead anyone else to salvation. Leave them! How can they revive that which has never been alive –born again? And why would a born-again child of the living God who is filled with God eternal Holy Spirit need reviving from a dead church?
Our revival, our restoration, our renewal come from God.
Leave them!
Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord.
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