They seem to think you have slipped into the closet to put on grown-up clothes and are really just playing a game. They must believe that somewhere beneath the receding hairline there is still a child, hiding in the shadows of adulthood. The worst part about it is (keep this quiet) I think they are right!
And like our parents, the Lord looks beyond our façade and sees the trembling places in our lives. He knows our innermost needs. No matter how spiritually mature we try to appear, He is still aware that lurking in the shadows is an insecure little girls who needs her Father to tell her that he loves her and he is going to make everything alright. He is aware that beneath the façade of brawny masculinity is a little boy who needs his Father to reassure him of his manhood and tell him that he is the image and glory of his daddy. God is aware of the hidden issues of His “all grown-up” little children.
He understands the child in us, and He speaks to our blanket-clutching, thumb-sucking, infantile needs. In spite of our maturity, income, education, or notoriety, He still speaks to the childhood issues of our aging hearts.
The Father’s Love Never Fails.
Today’s Prayer
Father, I pray to You today in the name of—*YeHoWsHua HaMashiach – Jesus the Christ. I thank you for adopting me into Your family and for calling me Your child. I am grateful for the privilege to be called a child of God. And like a child I am still growing and learning. I need Your guidance and instruction to help me navigate this tedious life. I am unsure of my myself and I need Your reassurance. I have strayed from the path You’ve chosen for me and I need You to lead me back to the path of righteousness. I have even been rebellious at times and now I repent and I need You to forgive me O God. Have mercy on me. No one knows me like You do. Speak to the issues of my heart and heal all of my hurts and pains. Daddy, I need You and I need You now! Help me to become more and more like You—to look and sound like You and to walk in the knowledge and power of my birthright. This is my prayer today in the name of the LORD YeHoWsHua* (Jesus) the Christ, Amen.
Footnote: The Hebrew spelling of the name of Christ is used in this prayer for educational purposes. Yehowshua is often shorten to Yeshua but out of respect for my Lord I chose to use the spelling of His proper name to demonstrate that His name s above every name and that even the spelling of His name is relative to the spelling of The Father’s name – remembering that there were not any vowels in the Hebrew alphabets. Thus, YHWH (Yahweh) and YeHoWsHua (Yahweh is salvation) are grammatically and uniquely related.
For more information of the authentic name of God, please follow the link below:
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