I mostly end up writing articles that are published as posts and shared on my FaceBook wall and other blog sites. But today, I want to muse just a little about the potential for a massive salvation experience.
I realize that what I am about to say is almost unimaginable to the average believer but I must believe that it is possible because God has revealed it to me.
If we can just get those surreptitious pastors and preachers who are currently heading churches and ministries to confess and admit that they have the education but not divine revelation; they have intellectual knowledge but not divine wisdom; they know how to preach about God but they don’t really know God; if we can just get those pastors to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and indwelt with the Holy Spirit of God, then they could actually help lead thousands and possibly millions to genuine salvation.
It can be done. However, they would have to practice the humility that they preach about so vehemently. They would have to become submissive and obedient to God’s commandments in the same manner that they teach others to be toward them. They will have to renounce their denominational loyalties and profess unwavering loyalty to Christ and the Kingdom of God. They may have to sell their riches and give it to the poor in order to have riches in heaven. They may even have to live in relative poverty for the sake of the Kingdom of God. But I wonder how many, if any, would actually do what is commanded by God to do in order to save themselves and others?
God so loved the sinner that He gave all that He had to bring the sinner out of darkness into His marvelous light.
The question that God is asking us today is “Can you love like God? Do you have the love of God dwelling within you? What will you give up for the sake of the salvation of others? If you are already struggling with these questions, you may need to revisit how you were saved and just spirit is directing your life.
God has said through His actions that nothing is too much of a sacrifice for the saving of lost souls. Jesus said,“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.” (John 10:11)
And finally, the Word of God admonishes us by saying:
“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 2:5)