
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Are You Like Christ?

It has been said that to be a Christian we must be Christ-like. And there are many people who consider themselves to be Christian. However, when we look at ourselves and our actions, do we resemble Christ?
Are You Like Christ?
Jesus was born for the purpose of obeying the Father even to the point of ridicule, torture and death.
Are you like Christ?
Jesus invested himself in others repeatedly without consideration for fame, fortune or celebrity.
Are you like Christ?
Jesus went out of his way to evangelize the undesirables and he risked the stigma of being a social misfit and a religious heretic in order to reach the oppressed, broken, discarded and downtrodden souls.
Are you like Christ?
Jesus demonstrated righteous indignation and holy boldness toward the corrupt and greedy money changers that operated in His Father’s House. He turned over their tables and expelled them from the temple.
Are you like Christ?
Jesus did not conform to the popular religious system but identified their leaders as a perverted, poisonous, hypocritical and deceitful brood of vipers.
Are you like Christ?
Jesus felt and demonstrated compassion on the poor, the sick, the widows and children.
Are you like Christ?
Jesus did not think himself too glorious to bend down and wash the feet of those whom he loved.
Are you like Christ?
Jesus did not hold a grudge against Peter for denying him but saw his contrition and restored him.
Are you like Christ?
Jesus never gathered wealth for himself nor taught his disciple how to gain worldly prosperity.
Are you like Christ?
Jesus never engaged in homosexuality, sexual perversions or lewd and vulgar language and behavior.
Are you like Christ?
Jesus did not practice overindulgence, intoxication or drunkenness.
Are you like Christ?
Jesus was not focused on carnal beauty, physical enhancements or outward adornments.
Are you like Christ?
Jesus obeyed The Father and kept all of His Commandments - not breaking one of them – not even the Seventh-Day Sabbath.
Are you like Christ?
Jesus never sought the glory, prestige, honor or position of ecclesiastical titles.
Are you like Christ?
Jesus was buried in a watery gave by baptism and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Are you like Christ?
The Father said that Jesus was His beloved Son in whom He was well pleased.
Are you like Christ?

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