I cannot help but to be concerned about my fellow believers in Christ Jesus who are so argumentative and divisive about what genuine salvation is.
Some say that they are saved simply because they have believed the gospel. However, they don’t obey the gospel.
Some say that they are saved because they have verbally confessed the Lord Jesus Christ. However, they don’t keep His commands.
Some say that they are saved because they have received the Lord Jesus Christ. But what does that really mean?
Some say that they are saved because they have been baptized into water in the name of Jesus Christ or in the name of the Father and of the Son and of The Holy Ghost. But did they die to sin before the burial?
Some say that they are saved because they speak in tongue. But, the devil can imitate the tongue.
Some say that they are saved because they belong to a church or denomination. But is the Church in the Truth? Is The Pastor Born Again and Sent By God?
Some are convinced of their salvation because they have experienced a strong emotional demonstration or they have undergone a lifestyle change whereby they don’t have any social vices or bad habits. But is salvation based upon habits, feelings, loud shouting and dancing in the church?
Sadly, eternal salvation doesn’t exist in any one of these. And although it pains me to say it, there are some believers (Churchgoers) who are not going to be saved.
Many are carnal minded, rebellious, stubborn, deluded and confused and cannot come into a saving knowledge of the Truth. (Romans 8:7, 1 Corinthians 2:14, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11, 2 Timothy 3:6-9)
Many would-be Christians expend enormous amounts of energy through emotional displays, theatrics and public performances, attempting to convince themselves and others that they are saved when in actually they are unchanged. They have been deceived by Satan, blinded by their own lusts and confused by their desire to validate their own Faith.
Nevertheless, for whatever reason or cause, many believers believe different things about God’s One True Plan Of Salvation and I am concerned that in this confusion of religious diversities, many would-be saints are being lost.
And regardless of what anyone thinks or says, it is the living Word of God – Christ Jesus - who is the ultimate authority and final judge of what is required for salvation and who is saved and who is not. (Matthew 7:21-23, John 5:22, 27, Acts 17:31, Acts 10:42)
And behold there is only One Way to be Saved – Jesus Christ!
To Learn More About This One And Only Way, Please Click On The Following Link:
You Must Be Born Again
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