
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Business By The Book

Praise The LORD Everybody!

In this life we know that things will never be fair.  Those who want to rob steal and destroy will continue to do so.  The weak, uninformed and poor will continue to be at the mercy of those in power and authority.   That is why it is so very important that Christian entrepreneurs and businesses are challenged to demonstrate Christian principles in their business dealings and relationships with others.  

As many of you already know.  I do not endorse many people or organizations.  I remain focused mainly on the Word of God and on being an advocate for godly morality and Eternal Truth.

However, I would like to endorse Deacon Earnest Session in his groundbreaking effort of promoting Christian ethics in business.

Join Deacon Ernest Session and other Christian business leaders as he presents, “Business by the book” Seminar at Central Carolina's Health Science Building on Saturday, November 22, 8:00 AM to 3:30.

Lunch will be served.

This seminar is helpful and pertinent for business owners, managers, church leaders, politicians, public officials and whoever wants to do things Gods way in the marketplace.

Contact Deacon Ernest Session at …