
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Minister Arrested For Sexual Assault

Please pray for the alleged victims and families of this heinous crime as well as the innocent family members of the alleged perpetrator.  And those of us who are so inclined, please pray for the healing and deliverance of the alleged perpetrator for if the allegations are true, he is certainly in need of prayer and healing because he is sick.

Regardless of what the outcome, this is evidence of the End-Time and the deception of Satan upon the world and those who would believe.

This is why I passionately stress the importance of genuine salvation as opposed to church or religious salvation (institutional validation).  Without the genuine Holy Spirit and the Teachings of Christ and HIS Apostles, everything else is counterfeit and suspect of error and perversion.

Please follow the links below for further information on the truth of God’s Eternal  Salvation Plan.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

God Will Avenge His Elect

Wrath of God
I was once privy to a situation where one man or group or men had power and control over the success and/or failure of another man’s ministerial career. They proudly exercised their denominational and ecclesiastical authority over the young man- effectively stripping him of any individuality, self-esteem and divine direction from God and turning him into a replica of themselves and a peddler of their doctrine.
One day the young man became acutely aware and convicted of his fall from God’s original calling and he dared to challenge the status quo and began to preach and teach what God sent him to preach and teach [The Gospel of The Kingdom of God] with power, conviction demonstration and authority.
When the ecclesiastical power structure could not again indoctrinate him into their clique and politics, he was summarily dismissed from any preaching or pastoral assignments and “blacklisted” as undesirable and removed from any possibility of being reassigned or recommended for a pastoral position until such time as he complied and met with their political and unscriptural demands.
The contemporary religious leaders of his community effectively closed the doors of career opportunity for this young man and denied themselves and their congregations the saving Truth sent to them by God through his servant. (Mark 12:1-10) They also denied God's servant the right to serve and complete his mission.
I am so happy that I don’t sit so high as to determine who God can or cannot use. (Acts 10:9-15) I am so happy that I don’t sit in the seat of power where I can stand in the way of God’s plan or another man’s calling or kill another man’s opportunity to serve God, be successful and earn a livelihood. (Matthew 25:40)
Those who sit that high will answer to God one day.
O.W. Prince
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